Rabu, 26 Januari 2011

Crime (n) = perbuatan jahat
Shocked (v) = terkejut
Influence (v) = mempengaruhi
Conspire with (v) = bersekongkol dengan
Teenagers = ABG (Anak Baru Gede), remaja umur belasan
Rapist = pemerkosa
Break the law = melanggar hukum
Cultural shock = kejutan kultural/budaya
Slaughter (v) = membantai
Mob life = kehidupan rakyat banyak
Lack of = kekurangan
Parental attention = perhatian orang tua
Heartlessly (adv) = dengan tanpa perasaan

Valid = mempunyai kekuatan hukum
Validate (v) = membuat sah menurut hukum
Validation certificate = dokumen yang sah menurut hukum
Verdict (n) = keputusan hakim, a verdict of guilty = memberi keputusan Salah.
Verification = pembenaran dan pihak yang berwenang
Verify (v) = menyatakan kebenaran di bawah sumpah
Violate the law (v) = menyalahi hukum
Will = surat wasiat
Withthe option of.... = subsider
Witness box = ruang duduk untuk para saksi di Pengadilan
Witness for the defense = saksi pembelaan
Witness for the prosecution = saksi untuk pengusutan (yang memberatkan terdakwa)
Witness = saksi, to bear witness memberi kesaksian yang membolehkan atau melarang seseorang berbuat sesuatu

C. Legal Related Terms
01. Indonesian Bars Association = IKADIN
02. Labor Dispute Settlement Court = P4
03. Draft Regional Budget = RAPBD
04. Draft State Budget = RAPBN
05. Draft Decree = RANTAP
06. Draft Decision = RANTUS
07. Bill = RUU
08. Neighborhood Security System = SISKAMLING
09. The Decree of People’s Consultative Assembly = TAP MPR
10. Political Detainees = TAPOL
11. Anti Bandit Special Team = TEKAB
12. Public Security and Order = KAMTIBMAS
13. Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism = KKN
14. Marriage, Repudiation, Divorceand Reconciliation = NTCR
15. State Policy Guidelines = GBHN
16. People’s Consultative Assembly = MPR
17. House of Representatives = DPR
18. Supreme Court = MA
19. Supreme Advisory Council = DPA
20. The Commission of General Election = KPU
21. Political Party = PARPOL
22. General Election = PEMILU
23. The National Commission on Human Rights = KOMNAS HAM
24. Mass Organization = ORMAS
25. The Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency = BPPN
26. State Intelligence Body/Agency = BIN
27. Central Bureau of Statistics = BPS
28. State Owned-Company/Corporation = BUMN
29. VLegal Aid Institution/Body = LBH
30. Criminal Code = KUHP
31. Code of Business Law = KUHD
32. New Order Government = Pem. Orba
33. Indonesian Lawyers Association = IKAHI
34. High Prosecutors Office = KEJAKTI
35. Law of Criminal Procedure = KUHAP
36. Criminal Laboratory = LABKRIM
37. Extraordinary Military Tribunal = MAHMILUB
38. High Military Court = MAHMILTI
39. The Corruption Eradication Commission = KPK
40. The Commission on Corruption Removal = KPK
41. Statutes/Rules of Association = AD/ART
42. Auxiliary Police = BANPOL
43. The Constitutional Court = MK
44. State Audit Body = BPK

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